Cry to Abba Daddy

Last week, I had two firsts.

By that, I mean I had two experiences that I’ve never had before.  My sister, Linda McConnico, who is fifteen years older than me, has laughingly said that when she has a “first time experience” at her age, it’s pretty amazing. Since she said that, I’ve been paying attention to my “firsts.”

First Time to Eat Dinner at 11:30 P.M.

Keith arrived on a late flight into San Antonio last week. Rather than eat in San Antonio, we had planned to come home and enjoy cooking out and catching up. We ate at 11:30 p.m. That was a first.

First Time to Cry Out “DaDa” to God

On the way to pick up Keith at the airport, I listened to Timothy Keller’s podcast, “Praying in the Spirit.” In it, he explained what I’d been taught years ago – that “Abba” means Daddy. But, then, he explained that it really means Dada. Its one of the earliest word infants say. “Dada,” they call, reaching for their father’s neck. “Dada,” they cry when they’re hurt.  “Dada” they call when their daddy comes into the room.

Vines Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words explains “Abba Father” in this way:

“Abba is the word framed by the lips of infants, and betokens unreasoning trust; “father” expresses an intelligent apprehension of the relationship. The two together express the love and intelligent confidence of the child.”

Romans 8:15 explains that the believer’s relationship with God is that of Father and child. God has adopted us. He’s an “up close” personal, loving Father. We should not think of our relationship with Him as if He were a taskmaster and we are His fearful slaves. “…you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, Abba! Father!”

Dada! Father!

For the first time this week, rather than praying, “Heavenly Father” or “Lord,” I opened my prayer, “Dada.”  I know it sounds funny, and I have no idea why I felt led to share this with you. But, there’s something sweet and intimate about calling, “Dada, Father!”

Dada! Father! I love You

Dada! Father! I need You

Dada! Father! help me. I don’t know what to do

Dada! Father! forgive me

Dada! Father! take care of my loved ones

Dada! Father! comfort and heal….

Dada! Father! help me stand against temptation

Dada! Father! use me for Your purposes

Call On Abba Father

Have you ever called to God, “Dada! Father!” It’s sweet. It’s personal. It’s between just you and Him. No one ever has to know. But, you could try it.

Maybe sometimes, we need to put aside our formality. Maybe sometimes, we need to grasp the reality that we have a spiritual Father; that we are His children.

Jesus opened His arms to children and blessed them. Can you imagine your Heavenly Father’s arms wrapped around you?

Call out, “Dada! Father!” Confess your love to Him. Tell Him your needs.

Our Dada, Abba Father, we adore You and love You. May we run to You with arms full of love and hearts full of trust. In Jesus’s name, amen.
