If You’re Struggling with Darkness

Have you ever been without electricity and light for a significant period of time? The Texas 2021 winter storm caused our home to be without electricity for six days, a short amount of time compared to what many suffered. Those six days were long enough, however, for me to think about the devastation unbelievers will experience when separated from the light of Christ for eternity. Can you imagine…dare we imagine eternal darkness?  Who in your sphere of influence needs to hear that Christ broke through the darkness of sin and not in a small flicker of a way, but rather with a burst of eternal light?  Zacharias prophesied that Jesus would bring light to the world, calling Him the “dayspring from on high.” Luke 1:78  “Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us.”  Jesus, the Dayspring of heaven brought heaven’s glorious light to our dark world. If your soul is dark… If your thoughts are dark… If your perspective is dark…turn to the Light. Jesus can penetrate whatever darkness is in your life.  Open your heart to Him.  Ask Him to purge you of your sins. Say yes to Jesus, Heaven’s Light and Dayspring from on high.

Glorious Light, Dayspring from on High, shine the light of Your presence in us. Show us sins we need to confess. Cleanse us. Forgive us. Fill us with the Light of Your presence.

Friends, I’d love to have you join me any week on Wednesdays or Thursdays for our weekly Bible Study of John. Click here for more info.

Live outside of the Texas Hill Country? No problem! My weekly teachings and Listening Guides will be added HERE each week so you can follow along or use it for a group study. 

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