Praise to God’s CHOSEN ONE

How would you answer the question, “In what does your soul delight?” If someone asked me, I’d have to think for a minute. What about you? Would you say you’re “into” music? Or, would it be sports? Or your family? Or work? Or cooking? Fill in the blank. My soul delights in _________________. God the Father tells us in whom His soul delights.
“’Behold, My Servant, whom I uphold; My CHOSEN ONE in whom My soul delights.’” Isaiah 42:1
Jesus is God the Father’s Chosen One. Sounds like a proud father watching His child, doesn’t it? I wonder if our souls would more often find delight if we kept our eyes on the CHOSEN ONE.
JESUS, GOD’S CHOSEN ONE, we worship and praise You. We delight in who You are!
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