Prepare to Meet Jesus

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Do you “clean up” before something important? Maybe you have a job interview or are going to a wedding or out with friends. You put on clean clothes. Right? We prepare for who we’re going to meet. One of Jesus’s beloved followers, John, tells us that in preparation to meet Jesus, we should clean up. Or, in his words, purify ourselves from daily sin. Why? Because we’ll soon see Jesus. In fact, if we knew that we’d meet Jesus today, what would we do? Right a relationship? Refuse a temptation? The fact is, we never know the moment we’ll meet Jesus. Taking John’s word in 1 John 3:3 makes sense. “And everyone who has this hope fixed on Him (Jesus) purifies himself, just as He is pure.” Get “Prayers for of All Occasions” including prayers for confession and “Assurance of Salvation.”