I’d Never Do That

The other day someone shared with me that they struggled to have time to pray and read the Bible. I didn’t say anything to the person, but I thought to myself, “Not me. I always have my prayer time and daily Bible reading first thing in the morning.” Wouldn’t you know it – the next morning, as I began my Bible reading and prayer time, a thought popped in my mind. Instead of jotting it down as I typically would and continuing my Bible reading, I decided to make the note on my computer. That led to me checking my email. Before I knew it, I’d done the very thing that I’d smugly thought to myself that I didn’t do. Micah 6:8 is a good reminder to us to walk humbly with God. When we do, we’ll also walk humbly with others. That’s a good reminder in case we ever think, “I’d never do that.” The fact is, we just might.
Do you struggle with staying focused in prayer? If so, you may want to consider journaling.
Prayers of My Heart – a tool to help you stay focused in prayer.
It’s Never Too Late

The other day I was surprised to hear a popular singer refer to herself as a god. I was shocked. I wondered how the singer could so pridefully say she was god. Then, God directed me to do a little self-examination rather than be critical of her. Although the musician might say she’s god, do I ever go about my day and act like I am? Oh, I would never intentionally do that. But, do I ever do what I want instead of what the Bible teaches? Do I ever place my desires above those of Jesus? Am I ever more focused on my interests than Christ’s? God put a check on my critical spirit and used the moment to lead me to ask God’s forgiveness. What about you? Could you use a prayer to ask God to forgive you for something? If so, God’s arms are open wide as 1 John 1:9 reminds us. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
The Truth About Wishing Hate Speech Would End

“I wish the hate speech would stop.” We’ve been saying it for days, weeks, and years, but...
It’s Never Too Late – A Prayer for Our Nation
“Can you make a copy of this?” friend asked, as we visited at my office in the early years of Hill Country Ministries.Read more...
Why I’m Changing my Prayers for My Kids
I want to pray bold and effective prayers.
I want to pray war room prayers.
I want to pray mountain moving prayers.
Prayers for Different Needs
Do you need prayer?
Seldom a day goes by that I don’t receive a phone call, email, or text requesting prayer. I bet you could say the same. It’s a privilege to pray for each other and one we should take seriously. God hears our prayers. Prayer activates God's power and does more in the spiritual realm than we will realize until heaven. But do you ever feel your prayers
Wise UP
I Think You'll Like This
My friend stood before me with outstretched hand holding a small gift book. You know the kind...small, hardback, pretty cover. I glanced at the title while thanking her...wondering why she was giving me a gift. It wasn't my birthday.Read more...
Lift UP
I made an about face and returned to my laptop. I had just shared a YouTube video with a friend because I loved the content. But, after texting it to her, it dawned on meRead more...