Romans 4:17
Where is Our Faith?

We talk about it. We sing about it. But, how much of it do we have? What am I talking about? Faith.
We place our faith in the person of Jesus Christ and that He substituted His body on the cross in place of ours. We stand at a distance and say, “Whew! That’s great. I didn’t have to go through the scourging and crucifixion. Thank You, Jesus. I believe.”
But when God says to exercise our faith in regard to cutting off our sin we say, “No way. Can’t do.” He says to exercise our faith and forgive as He forgives us and we say, “Not gonna do it.” He says to lay aside our old self and put on the new self which was made in the image of Christ Jesus, and we march through our day as if we didn’t hear Him. He says to take up our cross and follow Him by laying down our life and we go on with our day as if He wasn’t talking to us.
If we really had faith that God “calls into being that which doesn’t exist,” as Romans 4:17 states, then wouldn’t we obey Jesus’ commands and trust Him to lead us?
The question is, where is our faith…is it in ourselves or in Jesus? Here’s another question – how might you exercise your faith today by doing something He has told you to do that doesn’t come naturally to you?
Jesus, You CALL INTO BEING WHAT DOESN’T EXIST. Please call into being my total obedience to what You tell me to do.
Would you like an organized and convenient way to record your praises and prayer requests? Grab a copy of the Prayers of My Heart prayer journal HERE.
Dead…But God

Have you been with someone when they died? I was with my mother, father, and mother-in-law when they went to be with Jesus.
Webster defines death as “the irreversible cessation of all vital functions especially as indicated by the permanent stoppage of the heart, respiration, and brain activity.”
That is what happened to Jesus as a result of the horrific scourging and crucifixion He suffered. The Roman soldiers who oversaw His death were skilled in their profession. They pronounced Jesus dead. But, as we know and Romans 4:17 explains, God “gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist.”
What seemed final when Christ died on the cross was not final. God, who gives life to the dead, gave life to Jesus. Similarly, God has given life to our loved ones who have gone to Him, and He will give life to us after our bodies cease to function.
How does it make you feel to know that God will give life to you after you die, just like He gave life to Jesus?
Heavenly Father who GIVES LIFE TO THE DEAD, I praise and exalt Your name! Thank You for Jesus’ sacrificial death and resurrection. Thank You for raising my loved ones to eternal life. Thank You for the resurrection life I will one day experience. I love and praise You!
Want to learn more about Jesus’ resurrection and the eternal implications for us? Watch Debbie’s teaching on John 20 HERE or listen to it HERE.
Dead…but God

Have you been with someone when they died?
I was with my mother, father, and mother-in-law when they went to be with Jesus.
Webster defines death as “the irreversible cessation of all vital functions especially as indicated by the permanent stoppage of the heart, respiration, and brain activity.”
That is what happened to Jesus as a result of the horrific scourging and crucifixion He suffered.
The Roman soldiers who oversaw His death were skilled in their profession. They pronounced Jesus dead. But, as we know and Romans 4:17 explains, God “GIVES LIFE to the DEAD and calls into being that which does not exist.”
What seemed final when Christ died on the cross was not final. God, who gives life to the dead, gave life to Jesus.
God has given life to our loved ones who have gone to Him.
God will give life to us after our body ceases to function.
How does it make you feel to know that God will give life to you after you die, just like He gave life to Jesus?
Heavenly Father who GIVES LIFE TO THE DEAD, we praise and exalt Your name! Thank You for Jesus’ sacrificial death and resurrection. Thank You for raising our loved ones to eternal life. Thank You for the resurrection life we will one day experience. We love and praise You!
Are you looking for some more encouragement and Biblical teachings? Listen to Debbie’s podcasts on Podbean, Apple Podcasts, or Spotify!
Dead…but God

Join Debbie for a 4 week study of the book of Jonah. Begins April 6. TBC Kerrville. Learn more or call 830.895.0100.
Have you been with someone when they died? I was with my mother, father, and mother-in-law when they died. Webster defines death as “the irreversible cessation of all vital functions especially as indicated by the permanent stoppage of the heart, respiration, and brain activity.” That is what happened to Jesus as a result of the horrific scourging and crucifixion He suffered. The Roman soldiers who oversaw His death were skilled in their profession. They pronounced Jesus dead. But, as we know and Romans 4:17 explains, God “GIVES LIFE to the DEAD and calls into being that which does not exist.” Death seems final, but God. Yes, but God who gives life to the dead, gave life to Jesus, has given life to our loved ones who have gone before us, and will give life to us after our bodies cease functioning. How does it make you feel to know that God will give life to you after you die, just like He did to Jesus?
Heavenly Father who GIVES LIFE TO THE DEAD, we praise You and exalt Your name! Thank You for Jesus’s sacrificial death and resurrection. Thank You for raising our loved ones to eternal life. Thank You for the resurrection life we will one day experience. We love You and praise Your name!
Where is Our Faith in God’s Commands

We talk about it. We sing about it. But, how much of it do we have? What am I talking about? Faith. We place our faith in the person of Jesus Christ and that He substituted His body on the cross in place of ours. We stand at a distance and say, “Whew! That’s great. I didn’t have to go through the scourging and crucifixion. Thank You, Jesus. I believe.” But when God says to exercise our faith in regard to cutting off our sin we say, “No way. Can’t do.” He says to exercise our faith and forgive as He forgives us and we say, “Not gonna do it.” He says to lay aside our old self and put on the new self-made in the image of Christ Jesus, and we march through our day as if we didn’t hear Him. He says to take up our cross and follow Him by laying down our life for the Kingdom and we go on with our day as if He wasn’t talking to us. If we really had faith that God “calls into being that which doesn’t exist,” as Romans 4:17 states, then wouldn’t we obey His commands, trusting that they lead to the promised abundant life? So the question is, where is our faith…in us or in Jesus? Here’s another question – how can we exercise our faith today by obeying something He’s calling us to do that doesn’t come naturally to us?
Lord Jesus, You CALL INTO BEING THAT WHICH DOESN’T EXIST. Open our eyes today to one of Your teachings that we’re not following, to serving You in the way You’re calling us to serve. Call into being our obedience as we place our faith in You.
Friends, you’re invited to my new study – End Times: What You Should Know, What You Can Do. I’ve been preparing for months and am passionate about us studying Revelation together. You can learn more about the study here. When you sign up for this free study, you are not committing to a certain day, time, or place. I’ll email the study to you and you can read, watch, and/or answer study questions at your convenience. I pray you’ll join me! After you register, please share with your friends so they can join us.
Dead…but God

Have you been with someone when they died? I was with my mother, father, and mother-in-law when they died. Webster defines death as “the irreversible cessation of all vital functions especially as indicated by the permanent stoppage of the heart, respiration, and brain activity.” That is what happened to Jesus as a result of the horrific scourging and crucifixion He suffered. The Roman soldiers who oversaw His death were skilled in their profession. They pronounced Jesus dead. But, as we know and Romans 4:17 explains, God “GIVES LIFE to the DEAD and calls into being that which does not exist.” Death seems final, but God. Yes, but God who gives life to the dead, gave life to Jesus, had given life to our loved ones who have gone before us, and will give life to us after our bodies cease functioning. How does it make you feel to know that God will give life to you after you die, just like He did to Jesus?
Heavenly Father who GIVES LIFE TO THE DEAD, we praise You and exalt Your name! Thank You for Jesus’s sacrificial death and resurrection. Thank You for raising our loved ones to eternal life. Thank You for the resurrection life we will one day experience. We love You and praise Your name!
Where is Our Faith in God’s Commands

We talk about it. We sing about it. But, how much of it do we have? What am I talking about? Faith. We place our faith in the person of Jesus Christ and that He substituted His body on the cross in place of ours. We stand at a distance and say, “Whew! That’s great. I didn’t have to go through the scourging and crucifixion. Thank You, Jesus. I believe.” But when God says to exercise our faith in regard to cutting off our sin we say, “No way. Can’t do.” He says to exercise our faith and forgive as He forgives us and we say, “Not gonna do it.” He says to lay aside our old self and put on the new self-made in the image of Christ Jesus, and we march on through our day as if we didn’t hear Him. If we really had faith that God “calls into being that which doesn’t exist,” as Romans 4:17 states, then we would obey His commands, trusting that they lead to the promised abundant life. So the question is, where is our faith…in us or in Jesus? Here’s another question – how can we exercise our faith today by obeying a command that doesn’t come naturally for us?
Lord Jesus, You CALL INTO BEING THAT WHICH DOESN’T EXIST. Open our eyes today to one of Your teachings that we’re not following. Call into being our obedience as we purposefully place our faith in You.
Where is Our Faith in God’s Commands

We talk about it. We sing about it. But, how much of it do we have? What am I talking about? Faith. We place our faith in the person of Jesus Christ and that He substituted His body on the cross in place of ours. We stand at a distance and say, “Whew! That’s great. I didn’t have to go through the scourging and crucifixion. Thank You, Jesus. I believe.” But when God says to exercise our faith in regard to cutting off our sin we say, “No way. Can’t do.” He says to exercise our faith and forgive as He forgive us and we say, “No way. Not gonna do.” He says to lay aside our old self and put on the new self-made in the image of Christ Jesus, and we stand there with folded arms. If we really had faith that God “calls into being that which doesn’t exist,” as Romans 4:17 states, then we would obey His commands, trusting that they lead to the promised abundant life. So the question is, where is our faith?
Lord Jesus, You CALL INTO BEING THAT WHICH DOES NOT EXIST. Where is our faith in your daily commands?
Dead…but God

Have you been with someone when they died? I was with my mother, father, and mother-in-law when they died. Webster defines death as “the irreversible cessation of all vital functions especially as indicated by permanent stoppage of the heart, respiration, and brain activity.” That is what happened to Jesus as a result of the horrific scourging and crucifixion He suffered. The Roman soldiers who oversaw His death were skilled in their profession. They pronounced Jesus dead. But, as we know and Romans 4:17 explains, God “GIVES LIFE to the DEAD and calls into being that which does not exist.” Death seems final, but God. Yes, but God who gives life to the dead, gave life to Jesus and will give life to us after our earthly bodies cease functioning. How does it make you feel to know that God will give life to you after your earthly death?
Heavenly Father, who GIVES LIFE TO THE DEAD, we praise You and exalt Your name! Thank You for Jesus’s sacrificial death and resurrection. Thank You for raising our loved ones to eternal life. Thank You for the resurrection life we will one day experience. We love You and praise Your holy name!
Where is Our Faith in God’s Commands

We talk about it. We sing about it. But, how much of it do we have? What am I talking about? Faith. We place our faith in the person of Jesus Christ; that He substituted His body on the cross in place of ours. We stand at a distance and say, “Whew! That’s great. I didn’t have to go through the scourging and crucifixion. Thank You, Jesus. I believe.” But, then, when God says to exercise our faith in the next thing, we back down. He says cut off your sin. We say no. He says forgive. We say no way. He says lay aside your old self. Put on the new self made in the image of Christ Jesus, and we stand there with our arms folded. If we really had faith that God “calls into being that which doesn’t exist,” as Romans 4:17 states, then we would obey His commands trusting that they lead to the promised abundant life. So the question is, where is our faith?
Lord Jesus, You CALL INTO BEING THAT WHICH DOES NOT EXIST. Where is our faith in your daily commands?