Text & Scripture Message Meanings
Labor Day is upon us,
and with it the celebration of workers who contribute their energy and skills to make our world a better place. Since time began, man has developed ways to work better and smarter. In the past decade, texting is one such invention; allowing people to communicate in short abbreviated messages.
Since many people will not be working on Monday, I thought perhaps this weekend would be a good time for us to catch up on important texting codes.
For Employees
- TTTB: Talking To The Boss
- AFAR: Asking For A Raise
- JTD: Just Turned Down
- GGANJ: Gotta Get A New Job
- CWFTW: Can’t Wait For The Weekend
For Senior Citizens
- ATD: At The Doctor’s
- BTW: Bring The Wheelchair
- BYOT: Bring Your Own Teeth
- CUATSC: See You At The Senior Center
- DWI: Driving While Incontinent
- FWIW: Forgot Where I Was
- LMDO: Laughing My Dentures Out
- WMC: Where’s My Cane
- FOTF – ACGU: Fell On The Floor – And Can’t Get Up
For Moms
- APD: At Play Date
- SMBPT: Spilled Milk Bring Paper Towels
- HHKDMC: Hurry Home Kids Driving Me Crazy
- BAD: Bring A Diaper
- WATG: Where Are the Goldfish
- YHWP: Yeah He Went Potty
- TWGTS: They Won’t Go To Sleep
For All
As convenient as the above texting codes are, there are other codes and messages that are important for us to keep close to our hearts and in our minds. Which is a good reminder for you today?
- FGSLTW: For God So Loved the World
- HGHOBS: He Gave His Only Begotten So
- TWBIH: That Whoever Believes In Him
- WNP: Will Not Perish
- BHEL: But Have Eternal Life
- GDSJ TJTW: God Didn’t Send Jesus To Judge The World
- BTTWMBSTH: But That The World Might Be Saved Through Him
- FAHS: For All Have Sinned
- AFSOGG: And Fall Short of God’s Glory
- IYCWYM: If You Confess With Your Mouth
- JIL: Jesus As Lord
- ABIYH: And Believe In Your Heart
- GRHFTD: God Raised Him From The Dead
- YWBSL: You Will Be Saved
- GMJBL&C: God Made Jesus Both Lord & Christ
- TJWYC: This Jesus Whom You Crucified
- NWTHT: Now When They Heard This
- TWPTTH: They Were Pierced To The Heart
- ASWCWD: And Said What Can We Do
- APA: And Peter Answered
- R&BBIJCN: Repent & Be Baptized In Jesus Christ’s Name
- FTFOYS: For The Forgiveness Of Your Sins
- AYWR: And You Will Receive
- TGOTHS: The Gift Of The Holy Spirit
People send messages in all kinds of ways. God does, too.
God loves us, but our sin separates us from Him. However, we can receive His message of love and respond. We can repent of our sin and turn to Jesus as Lord of our life. We can pray…
What Message from Christ do you need to hear today?
Heavenly Father, thank You for caring about us. Thank You for providing Jesus, who took responsibility for paying our sin debt. Thank You for the gift of forgiveness and eternal life. In Jesus’s name, Amen.
Scripture References
John 3:16-17, Romans 3:23, Romans 10:9, Acts 2:36-38