How Are You When It Comes to Stinky Feet

Have you ever thought, really thought, about Jesus washing His disciples’ stinky feet? Have you seriously applied His words in John 13:14 to yourself?

If I then, the LORD and the TEACHER, washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. 

LORD and TEACHER – meditate on Jesus putting those two titles for Himself in one command. The Lord is on His knees washing dirty feet. Messy. Time-consuming. Dirty. Unpleasant. Didn’t He have better things to do?  Yet, His act demonstrated more than the simple act of washing feet. Jesus was teaching us the importance of humility toward one another. He was teaching us about servanthood and yes, even forgiveness. Our Lord and TEACHER physically illustrated what He would do spiritually through His substitutionary death on the cross. It would be messy (a bloody mess).  He would wash our filth and sins from our inner man.  As His disciples, He instructs us to go and do as He did. Take the time to humbly forgive, to humbly serve one person at a time. And hopefully, prayerfully, it will gain us an opportunity to share with the person why we are doing it, in whose name we are serving.

Jesus, Lord, and Teacher, thank You for washing us and cleansing us of our sins. Make us increasingly mindful of following Your example. 

Do you want to live more purposefully and passionately for Christ or know someone who does?  Pray with Purpose, Live with Passion. 