I Can’t God, I’m Praying

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Recently while reviewing my teaching videos of Pray with Purpose, Live with Passion, I was reminded of one morning when I was praying. The Holy Spirit brought to mind a point to include in a chapter. Noting the point, I continued to pray when the Spirit nudged me, “Write it down now.” My response? “I can’t God, I’m praying.” Oh yes, I realize how ridiculous that sounds. I laughed at myself. It woke me to a stark realization, though. Prayer is two way conversation if we give our Heavenly Father a chance to speak to us. We see His desire to have two way conversations throughout the Bible. God and Abraham. God and Moses. Jesus and Peter. They walked and talked together. We can have that kind of prayer life. My book Bible study, Pray with Purpose, Live with Passion can help you develop greater intimacy with God. Prayers of My Heart journal gives you a place to record how the Lord impresses you.