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The Great Provide

Have you ever felt desperate and cried out to God to help to do what He’s asked of you? No doubt, such was the case for Abraham when God asked him to sacrifice his son, Isaac.
Although Abraham didn’t understand why God would ask him to do something so unthinkable, he had confidence in God’s goodness and told his servants, “We, not I, will return.
Abraham took the steps of obedience to which God called him one faith step at a time, not knowing how God would provide.
In the final moment, as Abraham raised the knife to sacrifice Issac, God stopped him. He provided a ram in the place of Isaac. Genesis 22:14 records, “Abraham called the name of that place The LORD Will Provide, as it is said to this day, “In the mount of the LORD it will be provided.’” (“Jehovah-Jireh” is the KJV’s translation of YHWH-Yireh which means “The LORD Will Provide.”)
In the act of Abraham being called to sacrifice his only begotten son we get a glimpse of what it was like for God to sacrifice His only begotten Son.
Jesus, like Issac, was laid on the wood, stretched out, but instead of being freed, died in our place. Jehovah-Jireh, God will Provide, provided Jesus as a substitute for us.
What will you do today…and every day to show your gratitude to the Father and to Jesus?
JEHOVAH-JIREH, You saw our need and provided Your only begotten Son to die for our sins. Jesus, thank You for willingly laying down Your life for us. We’re overwhelmed with gratitude and pray we daily reflect it by our lives.
Abraham demonstrated his love for and trust in God through his act of obedience. Our actions reveal whether we truly love, trust, and respect Jesus. To learn more, read this related blog post by Debbie.
Why You Can Stop Worrying

Do you worry about where our nation is headed? Although evil may temporarily prevail, the Bible tells us the end of the story, and it’s a good ending. God prevails. Colossians 2:10 tells us Christ is not only the head of a believer and head over the church, He is HEAD OVER ALL RULE AND AUTHORITY. “and in Him (Christ) you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority…”
Isn’t that exciting? One day every knee will bow before Him.
Examples of people humbling themselves before the Lord who is the head over all rule and authority are found throughout the Bible. Just such a case is King Nebuchadnezzar, who prided himself in his power. Listen to his testimony after God humbled him.
“But at the end of that period, I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward heaven and my reason returned to me, and I blessed the Most High and praised and honored Him who lives forever; For His dominion is an everlasting dominion, And His kingdom endures from generation to generation,” Daniel 4:34.
Jesus is head over all rule and authority. Do you acknowledge Him as such and therefore have an uplifted countenance knowing the end of Bible? Is there someone you could encourage with the reminder that in spite of the moral decline and turning away from God, that one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess Jesus is Lord?
Lord Jesus, thank You that You are HEAD OVER ALL RULE AND AUTHORITY! Use us to speak of our confidence in You and Your reign.
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No Better Time Than Now

Do you worry about where our nation is headed? Although evil may temporarily prevail, the Bible tells us the end of the story. And it’s a good ending! God will prevail. Colossians 2:10 tells us Christ is the HEAD OVER ALL RULE AND AUTHORITY. One day every knee will bow before Him. Examples of people humbling themselves before the LORD who is the HEAD over all rule and authority are found throughout the Bible. For example, read Daniel 4. King Nebuchadnezzar prided himself because of his power, but God humbled him. Daniel 4:34 records Nebuchadnezzar’s words,
“But at the end of that period, I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward heaven and my reason returned to me, and I blessed the Most High and praised and honored Him who lives forever; For His dominion is an everlasting dominion, And His kingdom endures from generation to generation.”
An important question for every person is, “who do you acknowledge to be the ultimate head over all rule and authority?” If you know someone who is discouraged by the moral decline in our nation, remind them of the ONE who is Head Over All. There’s no better time than now to share our faith and hope with others.
LORD JESUS, thank You for the comfort that You are HEAD OVER ALL RULE AND AUTHORITY! Use us as witnesses of our confidence in Your reign.
The Only One

Have you ever felt desperate and cried out to God for help to fulfill what He’s asked of you? Such was the case for Abraham. God asked him to sacrifice his son, Isaac. It seems crazy and incomprehensible to us, but God never intended for Abraham to kill his son. Abraham knew that. He told his servants, “We will return,” not “I will return.” But Abraham also knew that God told him to sacrifice Isaac, so he took the steps not knowing what would happen. One step of faith at a time. In the final moment, as he raised the killing knife, God stopped him. He then provided a ram for Abraham to substitute in the place of his son. Genesis 22:14 records, “Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah-Jireh, as it is said to this day, “In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen.” This dramatic moment was a foreshadow, a “seeing” of the day God would provide Jesus as our sacrifice. He would be laid on the wood, stretched out, and killed. In the demand of a human father being asked to sacrifice his son, we glimpse the pain and incomprehensible suffering of God sacrificing Jesus for us. God provided for Abraham and God provided for us. How are we living in response to the great sacrifice our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus made? Who might we share His love with who is killing themselves on the altar of self goodness all to no avail because Jesus is the only perfect and acceptable One?
JEHOVAH-JIREH, You saw our need and provided Yourself as the fulfillment for it. We’re overwhelmed with gratitude. Point us to someone with whom we can share the good news of salvation through Christ.
No Better Time Than Now

Do you worry about where our nation is headed? Although evil may temporarily prevail, the Bible tells us the end of the story. And it’s a good ending! God will prevail. Colossians 2:10 tells us Christ is the HEAD OVER ALL RULE AND AUTHORITY. One day every knee will bow before Him. Examples of people humbling themselves before the LORD who is the HEAD over all rule and authority are found throughout the Bible. For example, read Daniel 4. King Nebuchadnezzar prided himself because of his power, but God humbled him. Daniel 4:34 records Nebuchadnezzar words,
“But at the end of that period, I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward heaven and my reason returned to me, and I blessed the Most High and praised and honored Him who lives forever; For His dominion is an everlasting dominion, And His kingdom endures from generation to generation.”
An important question for every person is, “who do you acknowledge to be the ultimate head over all rule and authority?” If you know someone who is discouraged by the moral decline in our nation, remind them of the ONE who is Head Over All. There’s no better time than now to share our faith and hope with others.
LORD JESUS, thank You for the comfort that You are HEAD OVER ALL RULE AND AUTHORITY! Use us as witnesses of our confidence in Your reign.
The Only One

Have you ever felt desperate and cried out to God for help to fulfill what He’s asked of you? Such was the case for Abraham. God asked him to sacrifice his son, Isaac. It seems crazy and incomprehensible to us, but God never intended for Abraham to kill his son. Abraham knew that. He told his servants, “We will return,” not “I will return.” But Abraham also knew that God told him to sacrifice Isaac, so he took the steps not knowing what would happen. One step of faith at a time. In the final moment, as he raised the killing knife, God stopped him. He then provided a ram for Abraham to substitute in the place of his son. Genesis 22:14 records, “Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah-Jireh, as it is said to this day, “In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen.” This dramatic moment was a foreshadow, a “seeing” of the day God would provide Jesus as our sacrifice. He would be laid on the wood, stretched out, and killed. In the demand of a human father being asked to sacrifice his son, we glimpse the pain and incomprehensible suffering of God sacrificing Jesus for us. God provided for Abraham and God has provided for us. How are we living in response to the great sacrifice our Heavenly Father made? Who might we share His love with who is killing themselves on the altar of self goodness all to no avail because Jesus is the only perfect and acceptable One?
JEHOVAH-JIREH, You saw our need and provided Yourself as the fulfillment for it. We’re overwhelmed with gratitude. Point us to someone with whom we can share the good news of salvation through Christ.
No Better Time Than Now

Do you worry about where our nation and world are headed? Although evil may temporarily prevail, the Bible tells us the end of the story. And it’s a good ending! God will prevail. Colossians 2:10 tells us Christ is the HEAD OVER ALL RULE AND AUTHORITY. One day every knee will bow before Him. In the meantime, believers have the opportunity to live under Christ’s rule in our personal lives and to share our faith and hope with others. Are we? There’s no better time then now.
LORD JESUS, thank You for the comfort that You are HEAD OVER ALL RULE AND AUTHORITY! Open our eyes to the fact that we can live under Your rule despite what others do. Help us witness to others our hope and faith.
The Only One

Have you ever felt desperate and cried out to God for help to fulfill what He’s asked of you? Such was the case for Abraham. God asked him to sacrifice his son, Isaac. It seems crazy and incomprehensible to us, but God never intended for Abraham to kill his son. Abraham knew that. He told his servants, “We will return,” not “I will return.” But Abraham also knew that God told him to sacrifice Isaac, so he took all the steps not knowing what would happen. One step of faith at a time. In the final moment, as he raised the killing knife, God stopped him. He then provided a ram for Abraham to substitute in the place of his son. Genesis 22:14 records, “Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah-Jireh, as it is said to this day, “In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen.” This dramatic moment was a foreshadow, a “seeing” of the day God would provide Jesus as our sacrifice. He would be laid on the wood, stretched out, and killed. In the demand of a human father being asked to sacrifice his son, we glimpse the pain and incomprehensible suffering of God sacrificing Jesus for us. God provided for Abraham and God has provided for us. How are we living in response to the great sacrifice our Heavenly Father made? Who might we share His love with who is killing themselves on the altar of self will and self goodness – all to no avail because Jesus is the only perfect and acceptable One?
JEHOVAH-JIREH, You saw our need and provided Yourself as the fulfillment for it. We’re overwhelmed with gratitude. Point us to someone with whom we can share the good news of salvation through Christ.
Who is Ruling Our Lives

Do you ever worry about where our nation and world are headed? Although evil may temporarily prevail, the Bible tells us the end of the story. And it’s a good ending! God will prevail. Colossians 2:10 tells us Christ is the HEAD OVER ALL RULE AND AUTHORITY. One day every knee will bow before Him. In the meantime, believers have the opportunity to live under Christ’s rule in our personal lives and to share our faith and hope with others. Are we?
LORD JESUS, thank You for the comfort that You are HEAD OVER ALL RULE AND AUTHORITY! Open our eyes to the fact that we can live under Your rule despite what others do. Help us witness to others our hope and faith.
“and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority;”
Do you ever worry about where our nation and world are headed? Although evil may temporarily prevail, the Bible tells us the end of the story. And it’s a good ending! God will prevail. Christ is the HEAD OVER ALL RULE AND AUTHORITY. One day every knee will bow before Him. In the meantime, believers have the opportunity to live under Christ’s rule and authority and to share our hope in Christ with others.